English for Sciences (B2)

Kurs mit 52 UE und Abschlussprüfung, anrechenbar für UNIcert II

This course enables you to develop and practise the four language and communication skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening) required for successful academic study of Agricultural and Natural science subjects at level B2 of CEFR or GeRS. Throughout the course, you will work on a wide range of language activities and topics, which will familiarize you with developments in, and the vocabulary specific to, these fields.


You will carry out a small research project in a scientific area and chair a discussion on the themes relating to it.

At the end of this course, you will have:

  • developed the ability to read and listen to complex and science-specific texts
  • contributed to discussions on a variety of science-specific subjects
  • peer reviewed work
  • researched and presented a written text on a scientific topic
  • led a discussion on the topic
  • developed a range of grammatical structures and new vocabulary specific to the field of Agricultural and Natural Sciences

Overall, the course will emphasize both the skills necessary to analyze scientific topics and the tools necessary to communicate such analysis.

For Bachelor students of Faculty A: This course can be credited as an elective module, “Bachelor-Modul UNIcert II English for Scientific Purposes", number 3000-330.
For queries, contact Judith Krauß, Programme Manager, English für Wissenschaften.


Für Bachelor-Studierende der Fakultät A: Dieser Kurs kann unter „Bachelor-Modul UNIcert II English for Scientific Purposes Nummer 3000-330“ als Wahlmodul angerechnet werden. Bei Fragen bitte an Lektorin, Judith Krauß, anwenden.

This course is suitable as preparation for the ERAMUS programme or similar study placement abroad.

Study materials: Provided by the trainer
Europaratsstufe: B2
UNIcert-Niveaustufe II
ECTS-Credits: 6
SWS: 4
Voraussetzungen/Prerequisite: Einstufungstest/Placement test score (65-85 Pkt.)

In order to qualify for the elective module in Faculty A, you need to score 75 points on the placement test and register via Hohcampus. If your score is lower, then additional courses or proficiency certificates are required.


234(Modul UNIcert II)Di08:30-11:45Euro-Forum 10608.04.-24.06.Victoria Turnbull
50/ 100 €
50 EUR
für Studierende

100 EUR
für Beschäftigte

200 EUR
für Externe
ab 31.03., 10:00