Deutsch-Intensivkurs September A1.1

Course with 70 lesson units and final exam, can be counted toward UNIcert I

Never learned German before? This course is perfect for you! We'll teach you how to introduce yourself and chat with others about your life. We'll cover the essential grammar and vocabulary needed for communication. The goal of "German A1.1" is to give international students or doctoral candidates a solid foundation in German. This intensive course also includes a seminar "intercultural competence" (6 hours in total), four excursions and many activities on campus (international dinner, scavenger hunt, campus tour, etc.). If this sounds exciting to you, join us and sign up now!

Textbook: "Spektrum Deutsch A1.1" is included in the course fee and will be provided upon start of classes
Council of Europe level: A1.1
UNIcert level I
ECTS credits: 4 (upon completion of the final exam) resp. 5 (upon completion of the final exam, and for regularly attending the seminar "intercultural competence")
Prerequisites: this course is for NEW international degree-seeking students and for newly admitted exchange students; other students may register from June 15


555Kurs AMo-Fr09:00-12:30Euro-Forum 20102.09.-25.09.
230/ 750 €
230 EUR
für Studierende

750 EUR
für Beschäftigte

750 EUR
für Externe

Course with 70 lesson units and final exam, can be counted toward UNIcert I

Never learned German before? This course is perfect for you! We'll teach you how to introduce yourself and chat with others about your life. We'll cover the essential grammar and vocabulary needed for communication. The goal of "German A1.1" is to give international students or doctoral candidates a solid foundation in German. This intensive course also includes a seminar "intercultural competence" (6 hours in total), four excursions and many activities on campus (international dinner, scavenger hunt, campus tour, etc.). If this sounds exciting to you, join us and sign up now!

Textbook: "Spektrum Deutsch A1.1" is included in the course fee and will be provided upon start of classes
Council of Europe level: A1.1
UNIcert level I
ECTS credits: 4 (upon completion of the final exam) resp. 5 (upon completion of the final exam, and for regularly attending the seminar "intercultural competence")
Prerequisites: this course is for NEW international degree-seeking students and for newly admitted exchange students; other students may register from June 15


556Kurs BMo-Fr09:00-12:30Euro-Forum 10602.09.-25.09.
230/ 750 €
230 EUR
für Studierende

750 EUR
für Beschäftigte

750 EUR
für Externe

Course with 70 lesson units and final exam, can be counted toward UNIcert I

Never learned German before? This course is perfect for you! We'll teach you how to introduce yourself and chat with others about your life. We'll cover the essential grammar and vocabulary needed for communication. The goal of "German A1.1" is to give international students or doctoral candidates a solid foundation in German. This intensive course also includes a seminar "intercultural competence" (6 hours in total), four excursions and many activities on campus (international dinner, scavenger hunt, campus tour, etc.). If this sounds exciting to you, join us and sign up now!

Textbook: "Spektrum Deutsch A1.1" is included in the course fee and will be provided upon start of classes
Council of Europe level: A1.1
UNIcert level I
ECTS credits: 4 (upon completion of the final exam) resp. 5 (upon completion of the final exam, and for regularly attending the seminar "intercultural competence")
Prerequisites: this course is for NEW international degree-seeking students and for newly admitted exchange students; other students may register from June 15

561Kurs CMo-Fr09:00-12:30S 0702.09.-25.09.
230/ 750 €
230 EUR
für Studierende

750 EUR
für Beschäftigte

750 EUR
für Externe