CV Writing and Interview Preparation

3 Tages Workshop mit 26 UE, anrechenbar für UNIcert III

This 3 day workshop is recommended for students who are looking for an internship or entry level job.

Participants must complete all 3 days to gain credit for the course. There are no make-up dates. Contact the trainer regarding any questions about the dates and times scheduled. The length of the individual days will depend on the size of the group.


This workshop focuses on the skills needed for applying for a job in English and for the international job market.

Day 1: 26.04., 10:00-17:00 Online: How to write a CV in English. Covering letters will be done on your own time and edited by trainer.
Preparation and completion of your own personal CV.
Day 2: 15.06., 10:00-17:00 Onsite: Interview Preparation.
Everything you need to know for an interview- perspectives and question types.
Day 3: Onsite (Individual time-slots): Mock interview (1 hour) and test (1 hour). Time slots will be assigned on Day 2.

Study materials: Provided by the trainer
Europaratsstufe: C1

Unicert-Niveaustufe III
ECTS-Credits: 3 (mit einem weiteren Kurs kombinierbar, um 6 ECTS zu erhalten)
SWS: 2
UNIcert II Zertifikat oder Einstufungstest (ab 85 Pkt.) oder English for Business Communication


Euro-Forum 106
Euro-Forum 106
26.04.-28.06.Karyn Weston
25/ 50 €
25 EUR
für Studierende

50 EUR
für Beschäftigte

100 EUR
für Externe